Friday, September 6, 2013

21 Graces: Week Five

     I've always admired those faithful people who are counting a thousand blessings.  I thought about attempting it from time to time.  But,  recording 1,000 blessings seemed a little overwhelming.  I'm good at accepting blessings, but to write them down was another story.  That's why when I saw the idea behind 21 Graces, I was excited to jump in.  Everyday I note three things which blessed me.  That's it, just three things.  At the end of the week there are 21 Graces.  So simple.  God always blesses me with far more than three each day.
     Friend, you are welcome to join in on the fun.  Visit Jordy Liz Blogs to link up or to find out more.

  1. My son, Brian,  came to visit for the long weekend.
  2. Brian replaced some of the light switches in the house for us.
  3. A second trip to the Renaissance Fair.
  4. The generous heart of my youngest son, Connor, who gave $1.00 to Robin Hood because the actor said he needed money for the poor.
  5. An inspiring Convocation speech from our new Superintendent for the opening of the school year.
  6. Productive meetings for the first few days and time to add the last touches to our classrooms before the students come on Friday.
  7. Continuing work on projects around the house.  We are beginning to see some things coming together.  So exciting.
  8. A little frog sitting in a mud puddle enjoying the day.
  9. We built a small fire pit in our backyard with leftover pavers.  Camp fires at home!
  10. We had s'mores!!!!
  11. Building a fire in the fire pit is like an open invitation to the kids to stop whatever they are doing and come sit with Mom.  
  12. Reviewing a new book by Misty Leask.  The book is Dear Wife.
  13. Giving a friend a picture that I took of her and her puppy. 
  14. Passing an art picture on to a friend who will appreciate it.
  15. Changing our bedspread for Fall.
  16. Listening to my boys laughing together.
  17. Making a new friend at school.
  18. A thoughtful husband.
  19. Encouraging others to sponsor a child through Compassion International.
  20. Watching our chickens peck and scratch on the lawn.  The girls won't eat earthworms.  I thought all chickens ate worms.  If you have chickens - do yours?
  21. This.

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