Welcome to the One Little Word Blog Hop. For the month of May we were called to document ideas, tasks, and projects that we want to tackle with our word this year.
My word "Dwell" has been manifesting itself differently than I expected. In January I thought it would reflect more of a settling in, being steadfast, being a homebody. Instead, it has shown itself in what I dwell on, meditate, and think about. I especially noticed this in my documentation of tasks this month.
Some of my goals will take a year to complete. I also picked some actions that could be completed in a shorter time frame.Below is a picture of my opening page for May. With it are pictures of a dresser that had belonged to my Grandmother which I painted a happy yellow. It makes me smile when I see it and gave me some much needed storage in our bedroom.
We celebrated my son Brian's graduation from college. Pat and I took the three younger children to watch as Brian received his diploma. Brian has a job in the area so he did not come home with us. We stayed nearby for the weekend and visited some of the area attractions. It was a wonderful way for us to celebrate his achievements.
These pages are part of my Project Life album. One of my other ongoing goals is Project 52. Project 52 is a weekly themed photography post. It is hosted by Ken Weakly. I enjoy seeing what everyone photographs and it has helped me to take better pictures.
Compassion International holds a place in my heart and mind. In March my husband and I decided to purchase a chicken for a family through their catalog on the eighteenth of each month. You can read about it here. This month I also included a gift for the family of the child we sponsor. A family gift may be given once a year. It takes so little to make a huge difference in the life of a child.I admired Ali's desire to have an adventure and do something spontaneous. I realized that I might need to plan for an opportunity to be spontaneous. It won't just happen.
I also would like to schedule a weekend away with my husband. Maybe over the summer.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ~ Philippians 4:8
Be sure to visit the other blogs on the list to see how their word is coming into action.
What have you been dwelling on this spring?
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/tag/one-little-word/
Jenn www.studiojenn.blogspot.com
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/
Kimberlee http://scrapsandsass.blogspot.com
Donna http://holimess.blogspot.com/ You are here.
Monica B http://questtoperfectimperfection.blogspot.com/ Go here next.
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Nikki www.inkyart.com.au
Amanda http://scrappnbee.blogspot.com
Cheri http://scrapdreams.blogspot.com
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Kelly http://mindingmynest.com
Carolina www.micinnamons.blogspot.com
Naomi http://poeticaperture.com/
Missus Wookie http://www.mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com/
Brighton www.simplebrighton.com
Jill http://jillconyers.com/
Cindy http://seriousplay.typepad.com